715-247-5228 | HOURS: 9am-6pm M,W,F | 9am-7pm T,Th | 9am-1pm Sat somersetpl@somersetlibrary.org

The library will open late on Thursday, February 6, for staff training and close on Monday, February 17, for President’s Day.

Library Love Story

This month we’re asking people to share their library stories for a campaign called Library Love Story! It’s a way to show how the library impacts our community.  We’d love to hear from you!

Friends of the Library Meeting

The Friends of the Library will be meeting on Monday, January 27th at 6:00 P.M. in the RCU Community Room.

Kids' Birthday Club

Kids ages 0 to 9 can celebrate their special day with a personalized birthday card and a certificate for a free book!

Books on Tap

Tue. Jan. 28th, 6:00 p.m.

Engage in great book discussion while enjoying a cold one! We will be reading ‘Vox’ by Christina Dalcher. Pick up a copy at the library or order one through our MORE catalog.

Registration required.

Dungeons & Dragons at the Library

Registration Full!

Dive into the world of Dungeons & Dragons with a month-long campaign for ages 9 and up!  Spaces are limited, registration required.

StrongBodies Exercise Class

Tue, Feb 11 9:00 am – 10:15 am RCU Community Room

Exercises designed to promote strength, flexibility and endurance.

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